You have to pass a student visa interview conducted by the embassy before you are issued a study visa. You will have to go through this phase no matter what country you are applying for. Embassy officials decide only after personally meeting you if you should be allowed to enter their country.
Believe it or not, many students are rejected on this phase even though they were successfully enrolled in a university. It is better to be safe than sorry. So, every educational counselor recommends to properly take out time to prepare for student visa interview.
Why Do They Conduct Interview for Visa?
Officials see all your documents but they can’t judge you based on that. And they have to judge you because they are about to give you permit to enter their home. They don’t want some trouble maker or liar in their home. So, in order to scrutinize your mentality, they meet you in person.
You are asked a series of questions to test what your plans are and that your actual motive is to only get education. Most of the questions are same every time in every embassy of every country. I did my research with many students who recently took part in a student visa interview to help you achieve your goals. Here I have shared student visa interview questions and most suitable answers to create your good image that will definitely get you passed.
1 - Why the other country and not Pakistan?
You must not say anything bad or political about Pakistan. Say that you love Pakistan but the educational standards of Pakistan are not as good as their country. You can add that you also want to experience their culture and life of international student. This is also a fact that Pakistani universities offer a short number of programs.
2 - Why this university?
They may ask why you selected the university that you are enrolled in. You should say some good things about university and tell that they were offering the program you want to study or because it is affordable. Just be truthful here but show that you did proper research before selecting that institute.
3 - Why This Program?
Don’t say that your family forced you to this study program. Do prior research about your university and the program. Tell them why this program interests you and how it is best for you.
4 - Your course outline and subject details.
They sometimes even ask about complete details of your study course. Your university will provide you complete course outline and details. Be sure to learn it well. A friend of mine, who applied for German student visa, was asked to write these details on a page in the interview room.
3 - Your previous degree details.
Interviewers even ask for your past education. They may ask what you have studied, why you studied and more details about it. You should know what you have studied so far and good reasons behind selecting that field. Again, your answer should not be ‘because my family told me so’.
4 - Who is sponsoring you and what is his/her source of income?
Sponsor means the person financing your education in a foreign country. A sponsor can be your father, mother, any relative, or anyone who is willing to bear your expenses. Embassy officials have the documents and bank statement but they will still ask you about it and observe how you respond.
Prepare for it in advance and be confident when you tell them. You have to convince them that your sponsor has enough money to easily afford your educational and living expenses. You should also know complete cost and expenses of studying abroad because it is also one of most frequently asked questions.
5 - Do you have any relations with any Terrorist or smuggler?
This may sound racist but don’t be offended when they ask you this. Simply assure them that you or any of your relative is not involved any such activities and that you are against these illegal and foul actions.
6 - Have you covered your Health Insurance?
Most countries ask you to buy health insurance before they issue you a study visa. Health insurance certificate will also be included in your documents submitted to embassy. You should have knowledge of what insurance you bought and what it covers.
7 - How do we Know you will return back within visa allowed period?
Here you have to assure them that you will return back and not planning to settle there permanently. Tell them that you love your family and country so you will return back as soon as your study completes.
See Also: Top 10 Cheapest Countries To Study Abroad For Pakistani Students
8 - What do you plan to do after completing your study?
Do not include settling in their country after completing your study. Your answer should include working in the field that you are studying. You can say that you will either do a good job in this field or start a business.
9 - Tell all about your family.
Students can stumble even on this question if they get nervous. You will tell them about all your family members, their education and profession.
10 - Is this your First time in the country?
Nothing tricky in this question. Just confidently tell the truth if you have ever been to that country before and recollect how was your experience. Don’t say anything bad about their country.
11 - What do you do here/ your hobbies?
This is also an important question. Think of a good answer and practice it. Your hobbies should be productive and you should be able to convince them that you are not lying in any case. You can tell if you like any sports or gaming but be sure not to manifest any sign of laziness.
This is a Visa Interview Mock Test:
Must See: 10 Worst Mistakes Students do in Student Visa Interview