Australia is an economically well heeled country which is huge in area but not densely populated. Settling in Australia after graduation is easier and it is allowed by Government of Australia on the basis of skills and academic profile of a student. The path to attain permanent residency of Australia after attaining degree from Australian University is elaborated in the guide below:
Temporary Graduate Visa
The most suitable option to attain a permanent residency of Australia is to apply for Temporary Graduate Visa. By attaining this visa the candidate can work, study and travel in Australia for 2 to 4 years. It allows candidates to earn required professional skills according to their degree major and enhance their language skill until they are ready to apply for Skill Select Immigration procedure of Australia. The duration of stay allowed to you under Temporary Graduate Visa depends on your degree level and qualification attained in Australia such as:
Bachelors Degree or Bachelors Honors Degree Attained From Australia (2 years)
Masters Degree By Course Work (2 years)
Masters Degree By Research Work (3 years)
PhD Degree (4 years)
Note:-This visa is temporary. Allowed to you according to your qualification (I-e 2 to 4 years) and after end of this time duration you will have to apply for skilled work visas. This visa will not be extended longer than the period allowed to you at first.
To attain Temporary Graduate Visa the international student has to meet eligibility criteria set by Department of Home Affairs Australia which is as follows:
The candidate must be in Australia while applying for Temporary Graduate Visa
The candidate’s age must b under 50 years of age
The course you studied in Australia was a registered course by CRICOS
The candidate had completed the requirements if study course successfully
The course studied by candidate was taught in English language
The course you studied was completed in two Australian academic years (92 weeks of study)
The candidate was physically present in Australia for at least 16 calendar months during the term time of the course
The candidate had Australian study visa for the entire duration of his study
A valid national passport
English proficiency test certificate (must not be acquired more than 3 years ago)
The candidate must meet Australian health requirement (the candidate must not be suffering from a disease that can threaten health of public)
The candidate must meet Australian character requirement (you do not have criminal record, history of escape from immigration detention, you had remained in good character during your education period in Australia)
The candidate had to sign the Australian value statement (the candidate will sign an Australian value statement vowing that he will abide the rules and regulations of Australian law and respect the Australian people and their way of living)
The candidate must not have debt against him or any of his family members from Australian Government. If he owes money to Australian Government then he must arrange to pay the amount to avail this visa.
The candidate has not had a visa request cancelled before applying for this visa. ( if you have had applied for an immigration visa or any other visa while your stay in Australia and that got cancelled then you can’t apply for Temporary Graduate Visa of Australia)
The candidate has purchased an adequate health insurance coverage for the duration of his stay
An adequate means of income
Cost of Applying Temporary Graduate Visa
The cost of visa is AUD1,680. Extra fee will be charged for health assessment, police verification and other biometric procedures. If any of your family members is included in your visa application then you will have to pay full visa fee per member.
Visa Processing Duration
You must apply for this 6 months before your student visa expires. The visa processing can take longer time to process if you have not filled the visa application form completely or of there are any mistakes.
Permission to Travel outside Australia
The holders of Temporary Graduate Visa can travel outside Australia as many times as they want to but this duration in which they were absent from Australian does not extend visa.
SkillSelect migration program
International students who have gained a professional experience during temporary residency stay (through Graduate Vis) can apply for Skill Select Migration Program. Skill Select Migration Program is controlled by Department of Immigration and Border’s Protection Australia. The international students who want to gain permanent residency of Australia can apply for Skill Select Migration Program through online website of Australian Government based on their qualification, work experience, skills and professional capabilities.
Procedure of Skill Select Migration Program
By logging into Australian Government Home Affairs Official Website online, the international students staying in Australia or intending migrants outside Australia can make expression of Interest (EOI). The EOI can/t be regarded as formal visa application and the department of Home Affairs Australia is not charging any fee for submitting an EOI in Skill Select.
EOI Procedure in Skill Select
By completing EOI in Skill Select, you will be included in the list of receiving an invitation of visa. The EOI remains valid for two years duration and not completely filled EOI is accepted by Skill Select. During this two years EOI validity, you can update your EOI in case of changing circumstances. The EOI can’t be updated after receiving visa invitation. You can update your EOI under following circumstances:
You have gained a new degree
You have gained a new work experience or skill
You have enhanced your English speaking capability
Your family structure has changed
Based on these circumstances your points score increases and your visa eligibility rankings tops up. The candidates of EOI must provide any false information about his qualifications and work experience. In this case, the EOI will be rejected at once.
Skill Select will remove your EOI in following cases:
If the candidate receives two invitations in response to his EOI but does not lodge visa application for either of them
If the candidates receive an invitation to lodge a visa request for a permanent or provisional visa and has been granted with anyone of the two permanent visas.
By submitting an expression of interest (EOI) in Skill Select you can attain permanent residency based on your skill assessment through point tests.
Point Tests For Australian PR
To gain permanent residency the Department of Home Affairs has set points test to assess skills of the applicant. Based on this points test the eligibility of getting an invitation to lodge permanent residency visa will increase. The point’s criterion is mentioned below:
Age Limit (the applicant must be under 49 years of age)
English Language Proficiency Grades
Experience of skilled employment in Australia or other overseas countries. The skilled experience must be in occupation which you have selected in Skill select or it must be closely related to it.
The Level of your qualification (Bachelors, PGD Diploma, Masters, PhD)
Qualification attained from Australia ( must be of two years course)
You have studied and lived in regional Australia or in a metropolitan city of Australia with low growth
You have learnt one of Australian community languages
You have completed Professional Year Program (PYP) in Australia which is approved by Government of Australia
If you meet the above point you will be invited to lodge a visa application based on your qualification, selected occupation and skills. Those who fail tops the points test can attain more qualification, attain work experience and enhance their skills in their professional field. The temporary visas mentioned above are pathway to attain residency of Australia. By attaining a permanent residency of Australia the candidate is eligible to attain all the rights and privileges same as Australian citizens. They have access to public health care facilities, paid holidays, government grants and welfare benefits, pensions except the right to vote.