Third country nationals aka Non-EU nationals require a student residence permit of Austria to study a program in Austrian University which has duration of longer than 6 months. After successfully graduating from Austria, the graduates can extend their study residence permit up to 12 months for purpose of searching an employment. After finding an employment based on your qualification and academic skills you can transfer your visa to a work permit that is Red-White-Red Card. For Red-White-Red Card for graduates you must meet following requirements:
Requirements for Red-White-Red Card for graduates
In duration of your student residence permit visa extension of 12 months you can find an employment. That employment must pay you a minimum monthly salary in accordance to average set by Government of Austria which must be € 2,349 (2019) per month and you also must full fill the following general requirements. If you meet the following requirements you can apply for Red-White Red Card as Graduates of Austrian Universities and Colleges of Higher Education. (Take Guidance from a Study Abroad Consultant for PR Visa Details)
Proof of Finances:
For this duration of stay you must prove that you have means of sustenance that can cover your living expenses. The mean of sustenance must not be provided by any welfare organization or local authorities. At the time of submitting residence permit extension application the monthly income of applicant must meet the equalization supplement reference rate (Ausgleichszulagenrichtsatz) which is fixed by General Social Insurance Act (Allgemeines Sozialversicherungsgesetz - ASVG).
The Equalization Supplement reference set by Government of Austria Since January 2019 is as follows:
For Single Person: € 933.06 per Month
For Couples: € 1,398.97 per Month
For Each Child of the Family: € 143.97 per Month
Health Insurance:
You are required to have health insurance coverage from private or public insurance company for duration of your stay. In this duration, in case of any medical emergency or ailment this coverage will be used for hospitals bills and medications. If you have already have insurance from public social insurance system due to your employment contract then you don’t need to have any other health insurance coverage plan.
Proof of Accommodation:
You will have to prove that you have an adequate accommodation of living in Austria for duration of your stay. The accommodation must be adequate enough to meet needs of your family members. You can give proof by showing rental or leasing contract.
Character Assurance:
The Embassy will need an assurance of character that you are not a threat to local community and will follow rules and regulation of law in Austria. This can be assured by your behavior in University and proof that you have not committed any law offence since you entered Austria.
Third country nationals or Non-EU national living outside Austria can apply for a job search visa which will be valid for 6 months. To get Red-White Red Card you must be eligible for any of the following immigration types which include:
Very Highly Qualified Workers
Skilled Workers in Shortage Occupations
Other Key Workers
Graduates of Austrian Universities and Colleges of Higher Education
Self-employed Key Workers
Start-up Founders
Very Highly Qualified Workers
You can apply for Red-White-Red Card as a very qualified worker if you meet following criteria and your salary must meet minimum wage requirements set by Government of Austria.
You have a special qualification or skill
You have done graduation (of at least 4 years degree programme) from a higher education institute
The Bachelors degree of 4 years duration must be in done in these subjects majors: Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Informatics, Science and Technology
You have been previously employed in a company which is listed in stock exchange or a company about which Austrian foreign trade office in charge puts a positive word.
You have done PhD
You intend to enter Austria for research and innovation activity
Language Proficiency Certificate (Either German or English)
Age Limit is between 35 to 45
You will get extra 10 points if you have studied in Austria
You can file your application for Red-White-Red Card as Very Highly Qualified Worker at competent residence authority in Austria i-e at the office of provincial governor, local administrative authority or authorized regional administrative authority of Austria. Those applying from outside Austria can submit their application at Austrian Embassy located in their home country
If you come under the above mentioned general requirements and get an employment contract by the employer according to your academic profile then you can apply for Red-White-Red Car which will have validity of 24 months.
Skilled Workers in Shortage Occupations
Third country nationals or Non-EU nationals can apply for a Red-White-Red Card under Skilled Workers in Shortage Occupations under following criteria:
You have proof that you have completed training in shortage occupation
You have received a job offer from an Austrian Based employer and your decided salary meets minimum pay requirements set by Government of Austria
You meet the following criteria:
You have completed training and vocational education in the shortage occupation
You meet general requirements of admissions of Austrian Universities
You have completed a degree program from a tertiary institute. The degree program you passed must be of at least 3 years degree program.
You have work experience of 1 year from a company in your native land
You have work experience of 1 year from an Austrian Company
Language Proficiency Test Certificate (Either in German language or English language)
Age limit is between 30 to 40 years
You can file your application for Red-White-Red Card as Skilled worker in shortage occupation at competent residence authority in Austria i-e at the office of provincial governor, local administrative authority or authorized regional administrative authority of Austria. Those applying from outside Austria can submit their application at Austrian Embassy located in their home country.
Other Key Workers
If you have gained an employment contract from an Austrian Company as a key worker then you can apply for a Red-White-Red Card as a Key worker if you meet following criteria. The Red-White-Red Card as a key worker will have validity of 24 months.
You employers must be paying you a minimum salary package set by Government of Austria
If the applicant is not equally qualified then he must be registered at Public Employment Service (AMS)
You also meet the following criteria:
You have achieved professional training, or a vocational course degree or have knowledge of skills related to your profession at the job
You meet general admission eligibility of Austrian University
You have passed a study programme of three years duration from a tertiary institute
You have 1 year work experience from a company based in your native country
You have 1 year work experience from a company based in Austria
Language Proficiency Test Certificate (Either German language or English language proficienct test certificate)
Age limit is 30 to 40 years
You can file your application for Red-White-Red Card as Other Key Worker at competent residence authority in Austria i-e at the office of provincial governor, local administrative authority or authorized regional administrative authority of Austria. Those applying from outside Austria can submit their application at Austrian Embassy located in their home country
Self-employed Key Workers
To Get Red-White-Red Card as Self-employed Key Workers you must prove you have a business or self employed occupation that brings a sustainable transfer of money or investment to Austria of amount € 100.000 minimum or you can prove that your self employed business or occupation can create new jobs and ensure securing of existing jobs in Austria or you can prove you are introducing a new technology or you can prove your business has substantial significance for the welfare of region.
Start-up Founders
You are eligible to apply for Red-White-Red Card as Start-up Founder if you meet the following requirements:
You have established a company that will introduce innovative products or technologies in market for services or processing
You can submit a concrete plan of your business
You can prove your company is earning € 50.000 minimum. You are sole owner or half half share of the company
You meet the following criteria
You have completed an education from vocational and training institute
You have completed a three years study program from a tertiary institute
Language Proficiency Test Certificate (Either German or English Language)
Age limit is 35 years
Note: After residing in Austria on One of the above Red-White-Red Card Residence Permits for 6 to 10 years continuously you can apply for Austrian Citizenship.